Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Amaryllis plants are like people

I planted both of these bulbs on
the same day in December. They looked to
be the same size bulb from the outside
but who knew what was going on inside.

They were placed in the same spot by
my kitchen sink so I could keep 
them sufficiently watered in an easy way.

Turns out they are like people. They
grow up at their own pace.

I'll bet if I were still in school I could
write a whole essay on how people are
like amaryllis flowers. Instead I'll just ponder 
on how much my name
Marlyss is like Amaryllis...especially if
you take away the A.

Monday, January 9, 2012

What is it about those Chipmunks??

What is it about those darling
I taped the movie on my Dish Network.

I was watching it last night and...darn it...
I fell asleep. Not because I wasn't just
enjoying it like crazy. I was sleepy.
I just love them.

I have Alvin scream at me when
I get a text message on my phone.
He goes:
"text message, Text Message.
I never get over loving it.
Now little Eleanor is my computer screen saver.

I'm so hooked.

Is there no hope for me?
I'm too old for this. 

Or not. I guess there is no 
age limit on chipmunk love.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Inexpensive Memory Books for theme parties

Last year we started making these
simple and inexpensive 
Memory Books for parties.

We've made them for Bar/Bat Mitzvahs,
Sweet 16's and Birthday Parties.

The book is 12" x 16" and have 20 
big pages inside. The cover is a 
glossy bright white so any color 
decorations look good on it.

They are only $65. plus shipping and
often can ship with other items that
are ordered so the shipping costs nothing.
We just slide it into the box with other things.

We like making one-of-a-kind things because
we often have to make multiples of things and 
that's takes so much more time. It's why we
also like making Gift Card Boxes for their
unique and one-of-a-kind qualities.

I hope we get to make many more Memory
Books this year in 2012 'cuz we like to do them. 

Monday, January 2, 2012

Front Porch Holiday Decorations

Well...last year it was around March before
I decided to remove the decorations.

It probably will be the same this year.

I'm in no hurry about it at all.