Thursday, August 20, 2009

GIFT CARD Money BOXES for graduations, wedding & mitzvah parties!


We have fun making these Gift Card Boxes for parties.

Guests can drop their congratulation cards with their gifts of
money or a check down inside.

There's a "trap door" on the bottom so the cards can be 
removed without damaging the box.

One of our most popular ones is our 
guitar amp gift card money box with a 
choice of sizes and types of accent guitars 
to go with it if you'd like.

They are often used at bar mitzvahs, birthdays, 
graduations and weddings.

I can't think of any theme that we couldn't come up 
with something to make a Gift Card Box to match.

If you'd like to see a few more ideas, you can go to our main website at:

(or you can send us an email at:
 and we'll design one up with your specifications.)