Thursday, February 6, 2025

2025: Day36....."Till the Cows Come Home"


Make your own Valentine's Card.

There's still time if you start now.

Valentines Cow
Or add words

Click it or

email me if you want me to send this

over to you directly:

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

2025: Day 35....."Reflections"

Art photo of a plant and a light.

 My garage sale flower light I got for $5
because it needed a small repair 
and my new plant glowing under
the grow light I installed in the light 
for some winter help.

Both reflecting in the window with 
the outdoor solar faux fire lights that I
enjoy so much all summer and still
like looking at even in the snow.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

2025: Day 34....."Lickety Split Split Leaf Philodenron photo fun”


Lickety split philodendron leaves
Glorious Leaves!!!!

I mean..... did you ever!

It's called Lickety Split or
more ordinarily known as
Split Leaf Philodendron.

They say it's easy to care for.
I so hope so cuz I'm in love with it.

If I was going to design a leaf this
would be it.

But everyone would
that's not a leaf.

Yeah. It is and I get to look at it
every day and I just order another plant
light bulb just for it to keep it
happy until Michigan returns to the
land of sun and shine.

I put a piece of foamcore behind
one of the leaves to get this 
photo to play around with on my
Live Collage app.

Monday, February 3, 2025

2025: Day 33....."ZZ Plant Story"

Our Commerce Library has a plant swapping area.

I picked up this little guy.

A lonely little stem.

I put it in some perlite and waited forever.
After months this is what I had.
A few roots on a few leaves.

On another trip to the library 
I got another lonely sibling.
Waited again and stuck it in the pot with
it's sibling who was just standing there
 doing exactly nothing. Or so I thought.

More waiting.
What's going on.
Just doing nothing but not dying. 
So there's that.

Then a baby popped straight up!
Then another one popped up a few days later like
they were twins or something.
They showed me.

The twins grew like crazy.
Within days I had a family.
These kids were almost as big
as the parents.

Now I have 4 stalks in the pot.
Do I care that my little family 
doesn't look like the big families
I saw at Carlson's Greenhouse
this weekend?
Those rich college kids got a lot of greenhouse treatment.
They'll probably go to someones house and
get into a big fancy pot.

I love my little guys.
They have high potential and they 
are just graduating from kindergarten
and I get to watch them grow.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

2025: Day 33....."Syngonium Albo Variegata makes me nervous"

Syngonium Albo Variegata 
Syngonium Albo
This plant makes me teeter on edge.

The leaves are beautiful but feather thin.


The lighter colors can melt with
too much sun so it's a tricky balance 
where to place it.  

In the winter I can place it in a south
window but 6' from the window.

But the summer is harder to figure.

Only one stem is coming out the dirt.
So...all the eggs are in one basket.

I need to take a top cutting and try 
to root it and have another vine going on.
But....not yet. Not yet.
 I hope I can before something goes south.

It's like a fragile person with a beautiful face
and not very sturdy limbs.
The wispy curly willow branches 
are all that is holding it up.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

2025: Day 32....."Neon party GUITARS"

Neon electric guitar for a party
Hey Universe......
This would make a spectacular
party centerpiece for a family or
corporate business event!

A neon glow party is 
bold and exciting.

If you combine guitars, 
musical notes and maybe some 
neon microphones and an event logo...well, 

We also have some other styles but
this first one really makes me glow.

Maybe put it on a faux
AMP box with a cord?

We can add a logo on the front of the amp.
Looks like it's lighted up and
that's the point.

I love this look!
It's been one of my favs forever.

Friday, January 31, 2025

2025: Day 31....."Coordinating Party Stuff"

A Party Set.

What starts somewhere should go somewhere.

Things look like they started in our workroom.
But no.

Before that colors and a logo were picked.

We just follow thru 
and do some coordinating.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

2025: Day 30....."Ring of Fire House Plant with a new Baby coming up"

house plant.

Such a beauty.

I love when the variegations are 
not too white because the plant seems
so much weaker with too much white.

This one has such a 
beautiful shape and 
perfectly named.

I'm glad the price of this one has
come way down in the past year
"cuz I ain't about that craziness".  

I doubt I'll ever let this one go out and play
because it doesn't like harsh sunlight.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

2025: Day 29....."Plant Light Take-Away"

 I have 7 plant lights scattered around my house.

Various kinds. Long ones. Round bulbs. Red ones.

I've found it doesn't matter. None were expensive.

They all work.

I thought I'd find a favorite but no.

My least favorite is the eerie red one.

But even that one works well and seems 

 to really help this fern from

dropping too many fronds.

I'm trying to keep it alive until I

can hang it outside for the summer.

It's doing surprisingly well in all it's eerie-ness
and here it is almost February.
I just stuck the light on a photo tripod.

Another one is this Swiss Cheese plant which
has given me challenges in the past
but look how green it is!

on the above Monstera Adansonii.

It was a 2-pack so I stuck one here over this fern 
that has never grown in the winter before.
It has only lost leaves in the past.
Now it's thriving.

My take-away is get what works easiest with 
what you already have. A shelf to clip a light onto or a 
floor tripod if there's nothing to use or stick 
it in an existing lamp.

They all seem to work about the same.

Makes me wonder why I never did this before.

I think I thought it would be too expensive but
I don't think I've spent over $40 for all of them together 
and I actually love turning them all on in the morning
and checking everything out.

I know I could do timers but I need to say 
Hello to each one. (Only a plant lover would get that.)

Here’s 2 bulbs in my 
Rocky Mountain Juniper lamp
and a different kind under the tv.
I love plants. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

2025: Day 28....."Gardening in Michigan in the winter"


This is what you grow in Michigan in January

while waiting for spring to arrive.

My crop output would likely feed only one person

who will hardly want to cut anything and will

prefer to watch it grow than eat it.

Because watching it grow is a fun part too.

The garden looks like this. 

Where the only pop of color is a 

metal gecko.

We're waiting for your glorious return.

Monday, January 27, 2025

2025: Day 27....."Deep holes in Wolverine Lake"

 Wolverine Lake has some deep holes.

Kinda looks like deep tunnels though to me
boring down into the earth.

52', 33', 26'.

Why does my mind visualize some
really big fish down there?


I know there are 
Northern Pike.

If one came up to the surface
and near me
while I was floating in a raft I 
would consider it the Loch Ness monster.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

2025: Day 26....."Paper or Plastic"


Paper or plastic bags
Paper or Plastic?

Ok...paper stands nice & upright.
 That's good.

Ok...only carry it by the bottom or
you get this.

I can carry 6 plastic bags all at once.

I think I made my choice.

And there's this:

Saturday, January 25, 2025

2025: Day 25....."Valentine's Day LOVE Clipart"

Valentine's Day is coming up.

If you want to look like you drew 

some cool artwork maybe you could use this.

You can drag this one here onto your computer or

go to a fun site for more ideas:

Creative Fabrica.


Friday, January 24, 2025

2025: Day 24....."Gambling & Casino PARTY STUFF"

We've done a pile of gambling & casino

I mean a really big pile! Just looking at
that picture and I feel like I want to take a nap.

But what we do most of is foamcore

We now have 3 different sizes to fit
3 different budget price points because
we try to fit in where folks are at.

We can do any colors but red & black rules.

Here's a page I send out with some prices in
each category to help folks decide because
describing things without a picture just isn't adequate.

We've even done them for weddings.


Thursday, January 23, 2025

2025: Day 23....."Mamie Eisenhower Bangs"

 You know that saying:

 "She's got Bette Davis eyes".

Well.... not in my case.

"She's got Mamie Eisenhower bangs"

She's got some attitude also but

it's not about the 50's bangs.

(It was a picky uncomfortable

dress and I wasn't happy about

wearing it or getting my picture taken.)

But in 2025 I think it's funny.

(Both me and Mamie's bangs.)

No wonder Mamie is smiling.
It's because her sleeves don't look picky at all!

Apparently my Mom wanted me to look
fashionable because she was in charge of
my hair in the 1950's.

Thanks Mom.
Sorry for the attitude in my 8 year old self.

Stylin' Mamie Eisenhower:

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

2025: Day 22....."Sweet Treats Gift Card Box"

Ella's Sweet Treats

 So colorful!

Just like candy really is.
Except chocolate. 
So brown.
Yet delicious.

This gift card box is more like the sticky
sweet colorful kind of candy.

I have a hugely large file of images of
candy that tastes like foamcore 
when we make it because it is.

We don't eat it but it looks delicious.

Foamcore candy is the kind the dentist likes
because it doesn't affect your teeth even if
you did decide to eat it. You'd be so disappoint though.
Foamcore is not tasty.

But it makes a lovely Gift Card Box to 
collect party envelopes. Then you can dig
into the trapdoor in the base and get out
those delicious gifts that folks left 
for you at your party.

And your teeth will love you for it.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

2025: Day 21....."Dill Pickle Beer"

Tell me this doesn't look so delicious!

The little red dots are hot sauce.

There is a pickle on the bottom soaking
in the beer.

I love this creativity.

It's available at the 
Great White Buffalo Brewery in

If you like beer, give it a try.

If you like to read reviews, check
out reviews I've made on Google.

I get no money for this. 

I read reviews before I decide to go somewhere and
I honestly review places I have been.

I find it's helpful and sometimes saves me some grief 
and gives me some insight.


Monday, January 20, 2025

2025: Day 20....."A squirrelly interloper"

 Scott woke up in the middle of the 

night worrying about a squirrel that

may or may not be in his condo that he

checks on weekly. The fireplace screen

was suspiciously open a crack and he saw a quick

glimpse of a squirrel.

He opened the front & back doors and hoped it ran out.

I said go back to sleep and 

we'll go there tomorrow. We did.

We walked in the door and here's what we saw.

Uhhh....Oh..not a good first impression.

Then I glimpsed a little face under a big pillow on
the couch where he had settled in and
taken ownership of the condo.

Little did he know that Scott was not going
to allow that and feed him like a homeless person.

He no longer lives there. 

He didn't even fill out a rental agreement either.


Sunday, January 19, 2025

2025: Day 19....."Silver Squill aka Leopard Lily & another really long name”

Leopard Lily Plant
I couldn't resist this plant.
It has all the things I like in a plant...freeform, 
swirly and designs on the leaves like 
they've been painted.

And it was flowering too! 

It has 3 names:
Leopard Lily
Silver Squill
Ledebouria Socialis
Aren't those leaves so unique~!
It's from the hyacinth family and the tiny flowers
do resemble the look but are pretty delicate 
and produce no delicious smell like hyacinths do.

It makes bulbs which can be separated to
make new plants. That's always a plus for me.
I like to propagate, watch them grow and
then share...especially at the Lakes Area plant swap 
in the spring and fall.

I already figured out how to do that
when the time comes because You Tube
makes learning that stuff so easy.

I found it at Willow Greenhouse in Northville, MI 

If you live in the area let me know if 
you'd like to trade a plant.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

2025: Day 18....."Winter Action on the Lake"

My view out the window. 

We have some energizer bunnies out there

 on Wolverine Lake.

ice rink
Ice rink. Pretty nice size one too.

snowmobile swirls
Snowmobile swirlers and twirlers.

You go people.
I'm reading a good book.

Friday, January 17, 2025

2025: Day 17....."Syngonium Little Star/Real/Unreal"

Syngonium Little Star plant

Took some creative license. 

Used the Apple feature that crops out the background.
I love the way it races around the outline of the
part you want to crop. 

Not perfect but then there are
apps to erase its mistakes and gives me a chance
to use my Apple Pencil and Snapseed to 
brighten things up.

Added some frosted windows in the background
 and made them blue-ish.

Unreal. Fake. Yet a real plant I have that's 
from the rainforest in Central America and I
purchased it from Home Depot.

That's how the world works in 2025.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

2025: Day 16....."I spy with my little eye"

 I'm that person who wonders what other

good books people are reading.

I would be that person on a plane looking 

more at the book in your hand than your face.

I was at Panera and I noticed a lady my age sit

down with her lunch and a book.

I was so curious.

I was ready to leave so I casually (I hope) put on
my coat while closer to her table and took a peek.

This is the book I am now reading.
Thanks Panera Lady.

I'm on Chapter 7 and it's good.
I like the Panera Lady's choice in books.

Recommendations are helpful and they
all can't come from 
Amazon or Facebook Book sites.....
or Susie next door.