Monday, February 3, 2025

2025: Day 33....."ZZ Plant Story"

Our Commerce Library has a plant swapping area.

I picked up this little guy.

A lonely little stem.

I put it in some perlite and waited forever.
After months this is what I had.
A few roots on a few leaves.

On another trip to the library 
I got another lonely sibling.
Waited again and stuck it in the pot with
it's sibling who was just standing there
 doing exactly nothing. Or so I thought.

More waiting.
What's going on.
Just doing nothing but not dying. 
So there's that.

Then a baby popped straight up!
Then another one popped up a few days later like
they were twins or something.
They showed me.

The twins grew like crazy.
Within days I had a family.
These kids were almost as big
as the parents.

Now I have 4 stalks in the pot.
Do I care that my little family 
doesn't look like the big families
I saw at Carlson's Greenhouse
this weekend?
Those rich college kids got a lot of greenhouse treatment.
They'll probably go to someones house and
get into a big fancy pot.

I love my little guys.
They have high potential and they 
are just graduating from kindergarten
and I get to watch them grow.