Monday, January 13, 2025

2025: Day 13....."Plants on a Plane"

A year ago I brought some leaves

home from Florida on a plane.

The lady at the Airbnb we 
stayed at threw out many long
vines of these in the trash in
front of her house.
I gasped when I saw them.

I pulled some out
because I do things like that.

I only had a small carry on to
return home with since we
were flying cheaply and didn't stay 
too long in Florida (only a long weekend).

I snipped them into segments making
sure to have a node on each segment.
Then I stacked them between wet
paper towels and put them in a
ziplock bag and hoped for the best.

I wasn't sure TSA would let me bring
them home but they did. 
They scanned them and I went on my way.

I had about 5 leaves.

Oh I so wish I could have brought the
entire garbage can home with me!

Why didn't I think of this solution?

I left them in water for 
a few months until they rooted.

Then I planted them.
By then the original leaves were
getting pretty ratty so I clipped them off.

Here's what I have a year later.

Hawaiian Pothos.

Not huge leaves but big enough
for me and glorious variation.

2025 Version
About 3 feet high now.