Friday, March 7, 2025

2025: Day 66....."Weird Plants & Pots"

 I like weird plants and weird pots.

So if I can match weird with weird

in the house plant world, I like that.

Stacey found this frog at JoAnn's 

going-out-of-business sale and 

knew I'd like it. 

I put a bunch of 

RATTAIL CASSULA plants in it.

(Also known as Watch Chain,

Lizards Tail, Zipper Plant.)

Pretty weird, huh.

Looks like he's enjoying a big lunch.

Frog planter with rattail Crassula in it's mouth

Susie bought me this guy because
she knew my style also.

Zipper plant growing out of a head

I've taken pieces of his 'hair' and prop them
in this box because I like making
more weirdness.
Plant Propagation box

And I have this little baby weirdo growing to
take to a plant swap in spring because I 
know other plant people like weird too. 

It's always fun to start small and get to 
know a plant so I always take a 
Box of Babies to share.