Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New York Party Decorations

NEW YORK Themed Party Decor.
A smattering from several different parties.

Here's some NY centerpiece designs.

Centerpieces featuring locations around NY.

Often we can do the same idea...like
Times Square for example...in different ways.

Here's the front and reverse side for
a centerpiece for Madison Square Gardens.

Food signs make fun signs.

Don't forget the Gift Card Money Boxes.

Or, the Big D.J. signs with the PARTY LOGO.

And, the always important PLACECARDS and
a fun display for them.
So if your theme is New York, we've
got some ideas for you.

Give us an email at:

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Live Laugh Love

Live, Laugh and Love this theme.

This was a really big sign. I had to
lay it out on the driveway and go on 
my upper deck and lean waaaay over
to snap the picture.

Live, Laugh, Love and Lean Way
Over My Deck and hope I don't
lean too far so I can continue to
Live.  LOL.

My job is dangerous...but fun and makes 
me happy to make these kinds of signs.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sweet 16 Party Ideas

Here's a bunch of Sweet 16 PARTY IDEAS.

We can send you a completed 16 Gift Card Box or 
parts for you to finish it yourself if you like to DIY.


We also make table centerpieces & sign in boards.

Let us make something special for you
we offer Do-It-Yourself Instructional Videos 
for folks on a tight budget or like to make things.


Do you have a personalized logo? 
We can duplicate it onto a GIFT CARD BOX.

Here's a Mardi Gras Gift Card Box.

Here's a few with an actual number 16 that
were boxed in for gift cards to drop into the top.

"Elegant and glitzy with rhinestone bling." 
That's how I would describe this gold and white 
Gift Card Money Box for a Sweet Sixteen party.
 Or how about blue?
Often we can work in themed elements 
like we did with these lollipops.

Here's a centerpiece we did with
a Green Day Rock guitar Rock theme.
I always thought this makeup
centerpiece would be a good
Sweet 16 centerpiece but it was
actually for a 50's theme party.
I guess no one does curlers any more.
It's all about blow dryers and straight hair now.
But the lipstick and nail polish still applies!

"Fashion" is a good Sweet 16 theme.
Here's a designer foamcore oversized purse for
a Gift Card Box for those cards and checks. 

Also, here's some foamcore designer shoes as 
Table Numbers for a Sweet Sixteen party along 
with a sign that went on the Sweet Table.

If you need something unique and customized
just for you, email us at:

Or VISIT OUR TWO WEBSITES for more ideas!

Friday, April 27, 2012

TV Party Centerpieces...current or retro.

TV's make fun centerpieces.
This one was for a candle lighting ceremony.

They also make great 
those envelopes with cards and checks or cash.
They can be personalized with your own
photo and name.

Here's some TV's we made for an SNL themed party.

Also, known as Sammy Night LIve.

Or, how about vintage Television?
Something from the 50's with I Love Lucy in the screen?
By the way, this princess phone 
wasn't real. It was just a picture of 
one and we used some curly foam
wire for the cord.

We've also done TV's for little
kids parties. Lime green and orange
are kinda fun colors, I'd say.

Although most of our foam core TV's are 
3D, we can make them single thickness and more simple
when the budget calls for it. 
They're still cute, I think.

Can't wait for our next TV party. 

Personally, I love TV....especially reality shows like
Amazing Race and Survivor. But I draw the line
at those "Housewives of...whatever" shows. The few
I have watched made me wonder why I wasn't playing
on my iPad instead and I never could finish the show.
I think I would even have preferred to vacuum instead
and I hate to vacuum.  LOL. 

But I like to make TV Party Centerpieces! So if we do 
more, I'll add them to this picture list.

2024 UPDATE:
Here's a few more.

Fancy 3D boxed-in TVs or 
simple, flat and colorful.

Take your pick for what works best for you.
We're here to help.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dance/Theater Costumes for DIY Party Centerpieces

Real dance or some theater costumes can be
recycled into cute party centerpieces.

We have 2 white foam core body shapes
that work for most all costumes and
their matching head pieces.

The costume size that works best is Size 8-10.
But just about ANY size will work with
some stretching or pinning in on 
larger ones.
We've even made centerpieces that
make use of the dancing shoes.
We can make a little shelf for the
heavier shoes to sit on OR you can
hang light ones like ballet shoes 
with ribbons.  The design can even be 
customized with your party title and in 
your party colors.

We can send this party decoration above completely
finished to you or we can send the white foam core
forms for you to dress. 

Here's the instructions
that show how easy it is to do.
Or, here's another idea to display
those beautiful costumes that may have
been used in a theater play production.  
Put the name of the play, 
the year and a photo from the play along
with the original costume on a big piece of foam core.

What a fun memory to display at the party.

Dance themes are so fun!
Email us if we can help with
any of your Do It Yourself projects.
Or, if you want us to Do It For You.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Smaller Candle Lighting Centerpieces

There's a trend going on to make Candle Lighting
Ceremonies quicker and shorter. 
This one had only 10 candles to light.

I don't think Candle lighting ceremonies will
 ever stop though because they are fun and heart-warming.

So I think they'll stick around.
But smaller can be good also.

Here's some with 3 candles.
 This one had seven assorted kinds.

Things are evolving. Let's move with it.   
We can do cut out names like the top one
on the black base that was made to free stand.
It can stand on a table with as 
few candles as you need surrounding it.

Then we can make a matching name for
the Sign In Board....and viola!...simple 
yet coordinated. Sometimes that's
all you need.