Sunday, July 7, 2013

"Ghost Flower" outdoor YARD ART candle and easy DIY how-to instructions.

I saw some similar Ghost Flowers on Pinterest but they had
no instructions on how to make them. So I had to go 
on a learning mission because I had to have some of these
fun candle lighting yard art flowers.

I wanted to be able to make a bunch so they had to be 
simple to make and not cost too much in supplies.

The best features of these silvery Ghost Flowers is
that they are fast & easy to make and inexpensive.
And no painting or hot glue is required.

I'll show you how.

First, these are the supplies I bought at Lowe's:

• silver aluminum screening 
36" x 84" ($8)

• 36" metal rods 1/8" diameter
(with or without threads...each will
be around $2-$3)

• alligator clips (about 50¢ each)

• tea lights (I had some leftovers that I had
purchased at the Dollar Store)
 They are lightweight
and come in a little silver cup and last about 2 hours.
We're going for light-weight here so heavier candles
or candles in glass holders won't work here.

You also have to find some plastic 
pop or water bottles...cheaper and
lightweight is best and as close to
flat on the bottom and inside as you
can find. Usually there is a small bump but
I have a fix for that.
Use some gummy floral tack or candle holder
adhesive in the bottom of the cut off bottle. 
Then set the candle on top of it.

Cut a square of the aluminum mesh about
18" square and round the corners so 
you have a loose circle shape. You don't have
to be exact here. Grab the middle and pinch it
together and clip the alligator clip on it. 
Then insert the clip over the rod.
You could super glue the clip to the rod or
twist it onto the rod if it has threads.

Put the plastic bottle bottom in the
middle and scrunch up the wire mesh around
the bottle bottom.

Now the fun begins.

Maybe you want to wear gloves for this part 
because now you are going to bend and shape
the flower. You can fold down the edges or
roll them over...either over or under. It doesn't 
matter. Free form is what you're going for.
Something graceful and nestling around
the plastic candle cup.

You'll find that each one develops into it's own
look and some you'll like better than others. 
Just like real flowers!

And they glow so beautifully at night!

I want a yard full of them!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Diamond mesh blings up party decorations

Silver has ALWAYS been the single most
popular party accent color.

One time we did an all silver party 
with lots of silver mylar. 
It was beautiful but almost impossible to
take a picture of what it really looked like.
There was so much reflection.

But "Diamond Mesh" is a bit different than
shiny silver mylar with big areas of reflection.

There are no stones in the diamond mesh but
it looks like there are stones in the 
concave round circles.
They really shine.

The tiny silver circles add bling and glitz yet 
blend so well with other items and 
let's them showcase as well.

It cuts with scissors and bends and curves.
We get it in 10 yard rolls that are 4.5" wide.
That's a very versatile thickness and works great
on our octagon bases that are 3 1/2" high. We always
have uses for the extra leftovers.

 It's fun stuff.

Ask us about using some on a design for you.
Or maybe just order some bases. 
The diamond mesh bases make even the simplest
items placed on top look very special. Think about using
model cars, stuffed animals or even flowers.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Hollywood Movie Centerpieces for that red carpet party.

Hollywood parties are fun with a
variety of ways to present the idea.

You can do oscars, cameras, film strips,
popcorn, clapboards and even the
Hollywood sign itself makes a 
cute centerpiece.

We make a real klieg light out of
foam core that lights up. It can
be a centerpiece by itself or 
part of a larger one like this one
with a large directors chair.
We can make big centerpieces for spots like
the placecard table or sweet/candy table.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Las Vegas/Gambling or Casino themed parties

What a theme 'LOADED' with possibilities!

You can go the LasVegas hotel route for 
centerpieces and sign in boards.

You can go the gambling route and use
casino games as table centerpieces.
(click to view larger)

You can go with the slot machine route.
Slot machines make cute table centerpieces,
welcome signs or even hold gift cards.
We've made gift card box slot machines with bling for a Sweet 16.
We've also made them for a Monte Carlo casino theme 
and even a wedding.

And...oh yeah....that big iconic sign.
That always works for any variation on
the Vegas theme.

Even 'what happens at ....(wherever)....
stays at ......'

We'll make whatever you would like to make your
party fun and maybe even crazy.

email us at:

Or VISIT OUR TWO WEBSITES for more ideas!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Themed party placecards

Lately we've done some 
unique  and different placecards.

Here's a card stock ice skate we did.
It inserts into a silver foamcore
base with slits for the cards to stand in.

Here's the same idea but with a TV show theme.
The foamcore boards with slits ship easily and
gives you the opportunity to set-up the place
cards ahead of time. Then you can just
carry the board into the party and set it on 
the table top and it's ready to go.

Here's an iTunes (or in this case hTunes)
placecard. The name card itself was not
a separate piece but made to
look like it was. The price of 
$3.16 was the date of the party 
which was March 16.

Of course, tickets of ANY kind are
always a fun idea. You can chose from
one of our previous designs or 
we can design something from
scratch to match your theme.
What can be more custom than
using your own photo for the
placecards. You know that would
be a treasure your guests would keep.

Email us with your ideas and 
we can work up an idea just for you.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Having a Diner Themed party?

With all the cooking shows on cable tv, it
seems like food and diner themes are 
becoming popular.

I think it makes for a fun party.

Here's some place cards we made 
for  Wally's Diner. They looked like guest
checks and we used a font that looked
like handwriting.
They stood in slits cut into a foamcore topper
with a cute waitress....also known 
as the guest of honor.

For kids centerpiece there were elevated 
and low hamburger and fries centerpieces
made from foamcore and a
Milk Shake Bar sign for them.

 Kids had Open Seating in 
the RESERVED area.

There was also a big D.J. sign
and a candle lighting 
centerpiece made in tiers
with coke glasses with candles.

The candles were held in 
place with coke-colored stones that 
made the glasses looked like iced coke.
And, of course, red checks all over.
Loved that touch.

Friday, January 11, 2013

iPhone/iPod Music Centerpieces & magazine covers

I think a good party centerpiece should be personalized.

This one sure was.

Her name and a personalized magazine 
cover design with words related to her favorites
musical groups and fun and playful wording
like on the bottom corner: "Family Reunited and
It Sounds So Loud." 

Kinda fits a party, don't you think?

Here's another view with the colorful
poufs added around the themed items.

Photos and something curvy like
the ear bud wires makes for
fun and movement in the centerpiece.

These iphones were made from
foamcore and over-sized and 
you wouldn't hear anything out of 
all in fun.

That's why we like to make
these funky notes too. A bit quirky 
and whimsical. Color is always
oh so important too.

 The only thing missing is a bit of BLING.
Wouldn't some rhinestones around the
microphone be cute?

Maybe next time.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

How to make elf shoes.

Not really too hard to make.

I used an old pair of sandals so the bottom
sole would be waterproof and firm.

Then I cut out the shoe shape from green
vinyl fabric matching the width of the
shoe with the sandal.

I put the right sides of the vinyl together and stitched all 
around leaving the bottom open.

Then I turned the vinyl right side out.
I folded over the bottom of the vinyl about 1/4" and then
used a heavy carpet thread and a strong sewing
needle to hand stitch it to the shoe.

Then I hot glued upholstery gimp trim around
and on top of the stitching.

Then I stuffed the curvy toe of the shoe so 
it would stay upright.

I sewed a bell to each tip and hot glued fluffy fur
around the top.
Voila! Sturdy waterproof and durable
elf shoes that were comfortable to wear.

The lovely gold frame design in the top picture was  
compliments of a fellow blogger in France.

Friday, December 28, 2012

PEACE. LOVE. LIFE. (party decorations)

And the Important Things in Life.

This is just a wonderful theme. It's so versatile and can
be so personalized to fit the party person.

Here's some ideas from this year.

Coincidentally one was for "HALLE" and
one was for "HALEY".

Here's the logo created by Laura at Party Perfect for 
HALLE in grunge-style lettering.

We made the centerpieces.

Here's the table centerpiece for 
Peace, Love, Laugh.
Peace, Love, Trust.
Peace, Love, Harmony.
You get the idea?
Peace, Love, Adventure.

Each placecard matched a 
centerpiece design.

Here's a bunch of the designs.

Peace, Love, Out. 
(until next time)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

NY Broadway Theater Playbill Party Decorations

Broadway is such a great party theme.
We've done it for boys and girls both.

We've started with placecards.
Then done Welcome Signs.

And moved into the room with
centerpieces....both low on 
the table and elevated up on a pole.
(Notice that we added the Bar Mitzvah
girls face into the design above and in the one 
below there is a picture from the actual
play the Bat Mitzvah boy was in.)'s a broadway stage with an working foamcore
kleig light that runs from 2 AA batteries and a golden
envelope with the 'winner' for the table name card.

We've done large DJ signs.
This was one of my favorites.
It was 4ft. x 8ft.

We've also made a kids area sign with 
a Broadway theme.

And....of course, a Sign In Board.

And a Gift Card Box.

This is a theme we always have fun with
and enjoy the end results.