Friday, March 7, 2025

2025: Day 66....."Weird Plants & Pots"

 I like weird plants and weird pots.

So if I can match weird with weird

in the house plant world, I like that.

Stacey found this frog at JoAnn's 

going-out-of-business sale and 

knew I'd like it. 

I put a bunch of 

RATTAIL CASSULA plants in it.

(Also known as Watch Chain,

Lizards Tail, Zipper Plant.)

Pretty weird, huh.

Looks like he's enjoying a big lunch.

Frog planter with rattail Crassula in it's mouth

Susie bought me this guy because
she knew my style also.

Zipper plant growing out of a head

I've taken pieces of his 'hair' and prop them
in this box because I like making
more weirdness.
Plant Propagation box

And I have this little baby weirdo growing to
take to a plant swap in spring because I 
know other plant people like weird too. 

It's always fun to start small and get to 
know a plant so I always take a 
Box of Babies to share.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

2025: Day 65....."Jumbo Rollers & Jumbo Love"

Jumbo foamcore roller on model Haley
One of my all time favorite photos
of my great little model Haley.

She was and still is.... always willing to indulge me. 

She is a natural beauty.... even now as
a big grownup girl.

Jumbo love.


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

2025: Day 64....."Graduation Gift Card Box for Class of 2025"

Grad Gift Card Box

Circa 2025

grad gift card box 2025

Here's something interesting.

I made a blog post in 2009  (here's a link if 
you want to see it) and this is how
many folks have looked at it:

All I can say is that 
I'm so grateful for ALL
 that have ordered one! 

But happy that not
everyone did because I don't think
our fingers would have survived
all the foamcore cutting. 
We'd be done in.

Hopefully you enjoyed looking
at our ideas and had fun 
creating one on your own.

But for those that don't want to
do the work themselves....then....
call or email us.

Our fingers are still working!

Gift card boxes for 2 sisters

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

2025: Day 63....."Are you ready boots? Start walkin' "

'I'll walk right in. Set right down.

Daddy, let your mind roll on."

winter shoes

 Yeah....Like Nancy Sinatra said....
"And that's just what they'll do."

Mammogram Part 1,005.
Or so it seems.

Check out those babies.
Version 2025.


Because that stuff's important.

Man....I wish I had that ring though.

Monday, March 3, 2025

2025: Day 62....."It's not an optical illusion"

Corktown, Miicrooked building
Yes. It really is this oddly crooked.

It's a building in Corktown, MI.

It's also shaped like a triangle.

Here's the back of the building.

We've decided to always check the back.

It can be more interesting than the front.

What a surprise.

Apparently there was once a building
next door that they tore down.

But still. 
Why this shape?

I guess the answer is that this is 
all the space they had so they went with that.

Oddly creative, interesting and weird.

Go on a treasure hunt and see it for yourself.

Hashtag Detroit. Hashtag Corktown.


Sunday, March 2, 2025

2025: Day 61....."polymer clay ooak doll collage named Tik Tok"

polymer clay art doll wall collage

 I made this with person with 
Cernit polymer clay.

It's in a vintage 7" cigar box
with hanging wires on the back.

He evolved out of the clay.
Just popped out like he was
inside the clay and wanted out.

The other items showed up too.
Just in time.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

2025: Day 60.... "A Pile of Guitars"


Foam core guitar centerpieces

Look at this!

You have to look deep into this picture
to see what the heck is going on.

Can you tell what's even there?


Red ones and silvery fire ones on 
mylar poufed decorative bases with
variegated glittered stars.

I love these and think they make
smashing centerpieces for a 
Rock Star Party
    any music themed party.

I'm proud to ship these out because
I'm sure they are going to make
someone feel very happy & special 
