Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Behind the scenes with a fashion/shopping themed party.

Here's some pictures from the development of a shopping 
themed Bat Mitzvah party.

It all started with several preliminary logo designs and 
ended with one similar to the the top right one.

This is the one finally selected.
We had lots of party stuff all over our work room.

Then we shipped things to another state with
instruction pages included for the balloon person
to assemble and bring to the party.

Then it moved on to the party room and
the party got started and the guests picked up
their 'credit card' place card.
Macy's Gift Card Money Box.

Sign In Board
Look at that sweet baby photo! We photoshopped
her shirt to pink to match and added lots of colorful 
borders all around. I had to restrain myself from adding
 a little shopping bag into that cute little fist because it
wasn't wanted by Macy but I think it turned out
very cute anyways.

 What a delightful party!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Instructions to Help Make Party Decorations or DIY

When we ship out our party decorations, we very often
send an instruction page with finished photos.

This helps in the re-assembly upon arrival.

They are easy to assemble.

But sometimes a picture just makes it
even EASIER.

Here's some examples of an INTRUCTION PAGE we've
sent out with some of our designs.

We also send out VISUALS to help with decisions on
types of party decor like whether to use mylar poufs or
shredded mylar for example.

Maybe just looking at them will help you if you
are a do-it-yourself person.

If you aren't a DIY type of person, then send us 
an email at: and we
can talk about how we can help you have an

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Party Centerpieces 2014


Here's a smattering of some of 
the things happening this year.
Guitars are always popular for centerpieces for
all the Rock Star parties happening.

Butterflies and Broadway.

Football and Gambling.

And YoYo-ing too!

Contact us with your theme!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Sweet and Simple Party Centerpiece

On this first day of a cold and wintery February, 
I decided it was time to post a picture with the
sweet and simple centerpieces we did for
a young lady named Summer.

Finding a balance in an unheated garage.

"Best Advice" articles for those in their own business.

My favorite paragraph was on  Business Balance. 
Here's an excerpt.

I had just used that word the day before in a form 
I was filling out for an application for a small business
grant contest that Fedex is sponsoring.
Here's my form. 

Starting January 16th if enough folks are kind enough to vote
for us then we may move onward to the next level of finalists.

I have plans for what I would do with the grant and it 
involves upgrading my shipping area. 

I "balance" my work life between designing on the computer and boxing
and shipping our party decorations that Stacey brings to life.

My teeter totter balances between being cozy and comfortable at the
computer and being cold and frosty in our garage shipping area.

Oh how nice it would be if my teeter totter was level and I 
was warm in both places. I would have achieved another
form of 'Balance' in another area of my life. 
I'm so hoping to see that in my future!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Slot Machine Gift Card Money Boxes for birthdays, weddings, sweet 16 or mitzvah parties.


Perfect for any age or Vegas/gambling themed party.
This one was for an 86th birthday but it works just as well for a Sweet 16.
There is a slot in the top to drop those money envelopes into.
Each one can be fully customized with your words and colors.


We did it in Vegas!
Love it!
What a cute saying for a slot machine 

This colorful red gift card box was
for a reception held after the bride & groom
came home from Vegas.

I'm sure it set the mood for the party.
I heard the red 7's had special meaning for 
the groom.

Just like these "16"'s have special
meaning at this Sweet Sixteen party.

Just like these wedding bells have
special meaning on this wedding
gift card slot machine.

Or the "Bar" on this Bar Mitzvah slot machine.

There are so many ways to 
customize these foamcore slot machines.


We can do creative colors like this champagne 
and chocolate slot machine with light blue and a 
Winter Wonderland theme.

We can also do something on the back side.

How can we customize one for you?
We have TWO sizes....16" and 22" high.
Both hold 70-100 or more cards.

Both come with card slots on top and
a trap door on the bottom.

Visit our two websites for more ideas!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Birthday Party Decorations...Every year should be the best one.

Start with Birthday #1.
That's pretty important even though
you might not remember it, you should
have some good photos to look back on and
say:  "Ahhhh....wasn't I so cute and look
at the fun stuff at my party." should be able to say 
that very same thing EVERY YEAR.

So...Happy Birthday #1.
Ahhhh.....Carolena is so cute.

And...look at the fun stuff at her party.

At another one year old party we did baby animals.

 Maybe a King or Queen of the Jungle theme?

Baby animals are fun for a few early years.
Then into maybe music and guitars?
Or maybe the Rock theme can start the
first year.

Happy Birthday guitars work for any age
and there are other accents that can
go along with it like a Placecard
Board or a big sign.

Maybe there is no "theme"...just "birthday" is 
the theme. That's a theme for sure.

Or.....hobbies and things that say who
you are and what you like make for fun
birthday centerpieces.

Probably the years we get the most
requests to make something special are
13 and 16.

Bar/Bat Mitzvahs at 13 and
Sweet Sixteens.

I have many more pictures from
 Mitzvah Parties and
Sweet 16's on the website at

Come and visit us there to see more.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Before and After: What it takes to create a party food station sign.

Fun and cool looking food station 
all start with a mess.

Lots of cut-pieces, paint and glitter.
Also, supplies all over the place.

Supplies like the TV remote there in the middle.
And the hot glue gun.
There is also coffee and snack bars.

The vacuum is our friend at the end of 
making a bunch of signs like these.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Metal Dragonfly sculpture

 l love dragonflies.

 I have this really large metal sculpture on 
my wall. I bought it at the Ann Arbor Art Fair a 
few years ago. I think the artist was 
Steve Anderson.

Today I found this real creature on 
my floor. It was no longer alive.

I had to take pictures of it's stunning beauty.
I took this photo with my iPhone.

It looks like a piece of jewelry that
an artist created, doesn't it?

Even the details in their wings are stunning.

I used a closeup lens on my iphone and saw details on
their little legs that I wasn't even aware of.

Nature is so beautiful.