Sunday, February 7, 2010

Enchanted fairy and castle centerpieces and signs

Here's some Party Setup pictures from behind the scenes.

Here's the BEFORE.
Nice room....classic beige and brown....12 foot ceilings.

Here's the AFTER.

Light and airy....soft and beautiful pastel colors for the fairies 
and castles and rainbow centerpieces.

Here's Stacey working on the sign for behind the area 
with the D.J. 

Some things just need to be done at the party...especially
all those lights that poked thru the sign into the front side
and also were taped on the back and twinkled thru the 
foamcore in a soft twinkling glow effect.

I should have taken a movie so you could see the lights twinkling.

Here's the flower on the way to the party.

It was a relief to get it on the pole and be done
with it's care and nurturing!

We were so lucky to have a bright and sunny
day to deliver and setup these items.  You never
know with February and this weekend the
east coast was hit with snow and we didn't get
a drop. Lucky Michigan.

It would have still worked out....with lots of
plastic bags covering everything. 
But life was so much easier without
plowing thru the snow.

Here's the candle lighting swirl centerpiece that
you can only see a bit of in the AFTER picture.

Here's the sweet Sign In Board with little elfin Ellery.

Can you tell I just loved this party?

Clouds. Fairies. Rainbows. Stars.
Castles.  Carriages. Roses.

Sweet.   Soft.   Beautiful.