Thursday, January 23, 2025

2025: Day 23....."Mamie Eisenhower Bangs"

 You know that saying:

 "She's got Bette Davis eyes".

Well.... not in my case.

"She's got Mamie Eisenhower bangs"

She's got some attitude also but

it's not about the 50's bangs.

(It was a picky uncomfortable

dress and I wasn't happy about

wearing it or getting my picture taken.)

But in 2025 I think it's funny.

(Both me and Mamie's bangs.)

No wonder Mamie is smiling.
It's because her sleeves don't look picky at all!

Apparently my Mom wanted me to look
fashionable because she was in charge of
my hair in the 1950's.

Thanks Mom.
Sorry for the attitude in my 8 year old self.

Stylin' Mamie Eisenhower: