Tuesday, January 14, 2025

2025: Day 14....."Glitter in our eyes & teeth"

 Yes. We've been known to get

glitter in our eyes. 

Also, glitter along our

arms and in surprising places.

Glitter and foamcore go together 

like peanut & jelly.

It helps that we love glitter.

But we also agree to make things

without glitter so don't feel bad for

asking us to refrain from sparkling up.

We can handle it.

But pretty much 90% of our candlelighting

centerpieces have glitter.

Only about 10% of our guitar centerpieces 
have glitter accents but the trend is gaining traction.

I can't image there is a color glitter we don't have or are
not willing to scout out and add to our collection.

But I will tell you that black glitter is my least favorite.
It catches no light by it's very nature.
Not sure why they even make it.
But we have it.

Sparkle 'n Shine.

Here's a picture from the past.
Busy weekend of glittery stuff