Friday, February 28, 2025

2025: Day 58....."Stag Horn Fern Styles"

 If I lived in Florida....

I'd grow Stag Horn Ferns in every tree.

Just like this picture I took in Florida on a visit. 

A bouquet in a tree.

All living and growing.

staghorn fern

These are my stag horn ferns here in Michigan.
One of them is growing in a tree.
A dead tree.
My version of the Florida version above.

stag horn fern
Not as glorious as the Florida look.

Note the spray bottle to keep up
the humidity.
There is also a humidifier underneath it.
Maybe in the summer it will perk up.

The other one is in a pot & looking better.
It's in a southeast window.
It also has a spray bottle nearby.
Making an outdoor plant into an
indoor houseplant is a glorious challenge.

I'll never achieve this look below... of the
fern in a botanical garden....
nor would I want to.

It looks like an alien creature ready
to dissolve me in it's innards.
I can almost see a face in there.

Matthai Botanical Gardens Stag Horn Fern