Saturday, February 15, 2025

2025: Day 45....."Art By Others"

paper cache harlequin sculpture by Lori Hlavs

This paper mache sculpture is by
Lori Hlavs in Florida who came
to Michigan to an art show in the 90's.

I'm very selective on the 
"Art By Others" that I purchase 
but this I could not resist.

The live edge wood corner shelf she is
currently seated on is from another
artist who works in natural wood...another
weakness I have. I love pieces of wood.

I think I related to this figure & wood because I
am that funky creature who would like to dress
like that and also own every woodsy thing I could find.

I do own a jacket like this..with a pointy hat... so 
that tells you something.

colorful jacket

If I allowed her to live outside (but I never would!)
this is the type house we both would like.

fairy house with paper mache doll